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Donation to We Hear You

Some of you will know that every year we sell off seedlings and sunflowers to raise funds for a local charity here in Frome.

Well this week we made a donation of £240 to We Hear You. That was all the coins and notes we had in our We Hear You jam jar in the kitchen. We'd amassed that amount from the sale of kale and tomato seedlings, our Little Dorrit and sunflower competition seeds in our immediate neighbourhood and from the 10% of the profit we make on our local gardening jobs.

A small contribution towards the fantastic work that We Hear You do - and as they've said "That’s amazing, thank you so much. Fundraising is incredibly difficult at the moment so we are super grateful for this donation".

The thing is it's not been a chore. It's been a pleasure. And a great example of local community helping local community.

So to everyone who's either used us, or bought the seedlings or sunflowers, then we'd like to add our thanks too.

Thank you.


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