Well that's what Facebook's Marketplace helpfully told me back in April.
A greenhouse popped up that looked just the ticket. Good price, complete and what seemed to be local. Thing is after I'd committed myself I realised that the place wasn't the one that I initially thought and a quick look at Google Maps confirmed it was further away than I thought...…..
I don't like letting people down so I agreed a date and time when I could collect it. I even offered to pay straightaway but she said that cash on collection was fine - the lady selling it was very understanding!
My love of greenhouses goes back a long way - over 45 years. My grandfather had a white painted wooden one that I remember him getting from an elderly lady who lived opposite them. My other grandparents had a lean to conservatory in which they used to over-winter their pelargoniums. I've got a small wooden lean to affair that just about takes a grow bag.
When he was younger my now grown up son used to grow tomatoes from one of those tubular framed greenhouses that is covered in a sort of opaque plastic. I even took advantage of the Homebase - Bunnings - Homebase debacle and bought one that was going cheap a few years ago. That one is still on the ground in a state of being erected up at the allotment.....
Oh yes. My love of greenhouses goes back years!
Anyway this is what I bought. As you can everything had been dismantled - which admittedly saved me a job - and the lady had thankfully numbered the parts so I could work out which bit went where......
Sorting out the bits of aluminium and glass is now a job for the coming weeks - getting the framework up and agreeing where in the garden it can go. After all we've got seeds that'll need sewing soon. And tulip bulbs that will need potting up for the Spring. And our own pelargoniums that will need over-wintering.......
Burning questions for now though are:
Will my wife agree with where I'd like to put it?
Will all the nuts and bolts still be there?
Will I break any of the glass when I finally start to get to that stage?
I sense a number of struggles!