There was a time when I thought I'd run a second website. One dedicated specifically to Grow Your Own. I had grand plans to do it separately from Trug and Lettuce. So much so I actually bought the domain name for From Plot to Plate. Little did I know then how much time is taken up thinking up stuff and writing about it. From Plot to Plate fell on stony ground I'm afraid.............
In previous years though I've sown all the seeds that I bought and cared and looked after them. All of them. Even those that were surplus to my own requirements. Some came with me to the Lake District one year. Others came with me to the Mid Wales coast. Last year they stayed at home with me - but every day I looked after them as if they were my own.
And why you might ask? Well it's because I then sold those surplus seedlings off to raise money for a local charity here in Frome - We Hear You. You can read more about them here: We Hear You Cancer Counselling

This year I wanted to try something different. Rather than sow those surplus seeds myself and sell off the seedlings this is what's on offer:
I'm selling off surplus seeds - you let me know what you'd like and I'll let you know if I've got any. If I haven't and if there's sufficient demand then I'm happy to get some.
I'll supply you with a number of seeds along with everything you need to take them From Plot to Plate!
You'll get some seed pots and and some of our own seed compost.
We'll be growing exactly what you grow and we'll be delighted to talk about it.
Whenever we do something - sow the seeds, prick them out and pot them on, harden them off, get the plants in the ground, water and feed them, harvest them and then cook them - we'll talk about it. On Instagram, Facebook, this website and sometimes - no, always - on our 4 weekly radio show on FromeFM.
No one will get left behind. We'll support you all the way - From Plot to Plate.
You'll be able to grow tasty cruciferous vegetables - what? - look back at previous posts and you'll learn all about them (or go straight to this one: Grow your own - Dig for Victory - Kale ( - other brassicas, legumes, potatoes and onions and root vegetables. You'll have fun. You'll enjoy fresh and healthy vegetables. You'll have an opportunity to improve your physical and mental health. And you'll help raise funds for We Hear You.
What's not to like?
I've sorted my seeds and I have a plan. I need to do some more work on that before I share it and I also need to make up some of our own seed compost - that's easy to do using coir, vermiculite and some fine soil that we've been collecting from mole hills - but more on all of that over the next few days or so.
First job is to sort that compost. Second job is to get the Lathyrus odoratus (sweet peas to you and me!) germinated. Then it'll be our broad beans in their pots and our potatoes laid out to chit away.
Who's joining us? Go on. What have you got to lose?
Get in touch or get your orders in through our facebook page or email us at