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Looking after your sward - or mowing your lawn

Did you know that May was titled No Mow May? Now that's a great idea as it should mean that the pollen count for your lawn will increase and help all of the pollinating insects do their thing - but we suspect that a leading lawn mower manufacturer didn't now that the RHS would run their article on the opposite page to the advert that they'd booked some time ago...……….

It's also a good idea at the moment what with difficulties that many of us might have when it comes to the disposing of the cuttings - although you might have heard us talking on Frome FM at the weekend about what we do with ours. If you missed that then you can have a read here:

We swapped our Webb's Whippet for a proper piece of kit last year - ok if we're honest we only bought the Whippet as we liked the look of it! This is what we use now:

Looks much more efficient than the Whippet don't you think?

Imagine cutting your lawn with that!

But the thing is you don't have to. Cut your lawn at all - No Mow May or any time of the year. Let us do it for you. Here we are looking after one of our many happy customers' lawns.

This is how it works - and of course it depends on the size of your lawn - but from as little as £20 per month you can have us come along and cut your lawn and strim the edges and take away all the clippings and dispose of them responsibly - where we can we compost them but if our own bins are full to the brim then we queue at the tip - so you don't have to!

None of our garden waste - cuttings or clippings - will ever be found in a lay by or entrance to a field. We guarantee that.

You agree to a 12 month service and, depending on the size of your lawn, you pay £20 per month for 12 months. For that you get 30 cuts between the months of March and October. If your lawn is a large one then you might have to pay more but rates of course are open to negotiation.

£8 per cut - and we doubt you'll get better value than that!

Other lawn treatments are available - scarifying, aerating, top dressing, feeding and reseeding. All priced separately and of course, competitively.

And don't forget that not only will you get a great service but that 10% of everything we earn is donated to a local charity - We Hear You. Everyone's a winner!

If you think your lawn might benefit from a bit of TLC then please do get in touch either through my facebook page, at or on 07734 365028. We might not be able to get yours to a putting green standard but we'll give it a really good go!


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